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Photo of Robert Friedrich, horror/sci-fi writer



on Saturday, November 16, 2013

10,30 AM CST


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Hi, I’m Robert. I would like to welcome you to my personal site. When two people are meeting over cup of coffee of tea, there is always time to share some personal stuff.  Let’s make our meeting a little bit personal and please accept my invitation to enter my world.


If you found this site, probably you are interested in reading, writing, you like horror films or metal music, you are gamer or just like to discover something new.


Because my site is about all of this.


As every person is growing through life, my inclinations and likes were changing, but I can say that the most characteristic quality which I know about myself – my vivid imagination – was always in some way connected to my activities.  As a child I was collector of every collectables coming to the market.  This persisted with me; I have a great collection of horror films, metal albums and games.


They say that an avearage person watches around 5000 films in his/her life time. I already passed that threshold.  I’m interested in film not only as a source of entertainment, but more excited for me is to pay attention to the details – in story, in actor’s performance, in background music, who is the director and if he is following his personal style or experimenting. I like to concentrate on VFX work and I generally see the development of the technics and technologies behind the making of the movie.  As a small child I was very afraid to see any scary movie but now it is like my daily routine.


Also I like to have the same approach to video games. I’m playing them to have fun of course, but there is always more than that.  The technology and graphics are moving ahead and I like to keep up.  There are so many possibilities in the latest graphics which are very helpful to my writings.  As I said I’m kind of pictures absorbing rather than written text.  I always learned much quicker if I could imagine what I’m learning.  Of course it is much more fun to learn in creative way than just to absorb the plain text.  I started to write my first – lyrics – already before 12.  It was for me just a way how to empty my head from so much input. 


After 13 I moved to Egypt and maybe it functioned as a catalyst to express myself more.  To live abroad is not always a golden way. I have to admit that to start writing was not so smooth as it is seems to be. It took some pain, guts and a ton of misfortunes to bring me to this point where I harnessed everything within me and stepped out to do the things I really wanted to do.


The kind of writings which you will find here is generally known as a horror, sci-fi and other sub-genres. However it is very narrow description.  I like to be challenged with different topics, and I like to write those genres in different perspective.  Not always there is a need to have a clear plot from beginning to end. I like to confuse the reader, to encourage him/her to search the details etc.

I like to ignite your thirst for more, I like when people who read my stories are going to read it again. Simply because they can always find something what they didn’t notice before.  A melody, hidden verse or specific description, maybe a shocking opinion but for sure highly imaginative and emotional experience.


One of those opinions is hidden in the name of my anthology: Enlightened by Darkness.  Not only it is a  metaphor but it is also one of my personal truths which I reached during the all undesirable experiences.  The enlightenment comes with the strength to overcome everything what life throws in your way and in the moments you didn’t ask for.


So let’s get to some desirable experiences in our lives and read the new books or see some great flicks.


Thank you for your company.


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Author Robert Friedrich writes in an array of styles, including Novella’s, Short Stories, Poetry and Screenplays.


His books are famous for taking an unconventional route through the darkest of human places and emotions and are generally driven by fast paced action and direct-from-heart dialogue.


His current releases include The Darkness Within: A Novella, Welcome To Your Death - mini series, Blessings from the Condemned: A Horror Legacy - an anthology, and more.


Seed of Evil, his recent novella, is the first part of an entire upcoming Saga.


Robert’s each book’s tone, message and a visually rich delivery surprise his wide audience beyond doubt.


He also designs book covers and produces trailers.


“A fictional Dystopia is better than a fake Utopia.” 

— Robert Friedrich




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